
Monday, December 19, 2011

Chirstmas Lights

I have been slowly awaiting everyone's Christmas lights, and holiday decor to be out. I am used to literally the day after Thanksgiving people having their lights out, but New England has been doing a nice slow transition. It is beautiful to see the different colored lights at night. It helps so much with the calm nature that the holidays are supposed to bring! I am anxious to get working on my Christmas light series! Here is a sneak peek at some fun I have been having with it.

A.Rae of Sunshine

These are moments of me out with my daughter, Ashlyn Rae, since she finally joined me here in Boston. She loves it here just as much as I do. We have had a lot of fun at the ponds, seeing the wildlife, walking through the streets, and exploring Boston. We have many more adventures ahead of us though! Enjoy!

Pier Time

I took these at the pier in Oceanside, California in early August. I recently moved from Southern California to attend school here, and like to look back at these photographs. They are what I always think of when I think of my old pier. The sea air, Charlie the pelican, the fishing, surfers nearly year round, just a quick glimpse of some of these and I can swear I am back there. Hope you enjoy them!